Project Cordial

Project CORDIAL started on the 1st of July, 2021 and is a cooperation of nephrology departments of three European hospitals and two companies to clinically validate and further develop a new, portable peritoneal dialysis (PD) system for renal patients. In traditional PD the peritoneal cavity is stagnantly filled with dialysate. This new system continuously circulates and regenerates the dialysate by adsorbing the toxins in the system. This can improve the clearance up to 2 to 3 times. In addition, in traditional PD very high glucose concentrations as used that damage the peritoneal membrane. The new system slowly releases glucose so the high glucose concentrations are no longer needed, which helps to preserve the function of the peritoneal membrane.

During the three year project, we plan to perform two clinical studies with PD patients to validate the clinical safety and performance of the system: the first-in-human study and, subsequently, a study to further investigate the efficacy and safety over a longer period (crossover feasiblity study). In addition, together with PD patients and clinical personnel, we will investigate the usability of the system and explore how to make the system available to patients.

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